Shortfilm (2022)
I was in charge of the cinematography in Maria Badia's shorfilm Doula. We filmed it in 2019 with camera and light equipment from ESCAC and kinolux in Barcelona.
It's been touring around festivals and Doula won the first award at Art Jove Festival in Formentera in 2022. Now it has been selected in the IBICINE Ibiza's Film Festival and it is nominated for Best shortflim, Best director for Maria Badia, Best script for Maria Badia and Best actress for Patricia Bargalló.
Director: Maria Badia
First Assistant Director: Adriana Puigvert
Chief of Production: Gala Díaz
Production Assitant: Marc Berruezo
Director of Photography: Alejandra Napurí
Focus Puller: Michelle Kynast
2nd AC: Victor Granados
Gaffer: Dídac Saez
Second Unit Gaffer: Uri Martínez
Sparks: Kian Rahnema, Sebastián García and Albert Segarra
Art director: Mikel Uralde
Sound director: The Base Sound Creations
Music: Magalí Sare and Sebastià Gris
Set Dresser: Barbara Carvalho
Hair & make up: Levi de Paz and Pagoa Urzelai
Still photography: Jordi F. Pou
Film Editing: Adrià Llauró
Color: Candela Forcades